Sunday, January 2, 2011

Everyone Needs One

There is something about waking up whenever you want to in the mornings. In our big king size bed I can pull the flannel sheet and quilt up under my chin and burrow my head down into five different pillows. Meeko manages to mold himself to some part of me, right behind my knees or, if I'm on my side, curved into my belly with his head under his arm. He doesn't want to get up either. It's these kinds of mornings when I can wake up, look at the clock, and think hey! I'm doing pretty good. I can lay my head back down, relieved that I haven't slept the day away, and snooze for a few more minutes.

When I do wake up and put on my fuzzy socks and a flannel shirt, I brush my teeth and Meeko and I head for the coffee pot. Romantic, old, black and white movies rule the t.v. today while I snack on everything that I own that isn't healthy and drink as much coffee as I please while Meeko makes sure to sit on my lap if I sit still for more than a minute. I think he is afraid that I will forget that that is his lap.

Now it's almost lunch time and I think Annie & Ninja and I will take a ride down the road. They can hang their heads out the windows and sniff the heater vents while I get myself some french fries and a milkshake.
In case anyone was wondering about my love for good french fries, well, it is unconditional.

Deciding to get married was the most important decision that we made and I highly recommend it to those who have a relationship as wonderful as mine and Brian's. But ours is the bestest. So don't get your hopes up if you've got your eye on the "Most Amazing Couple EVER" trophy. It ain't happenin.

But I've decided that being apart from each other has created some of the best days for me and for him. He can go take up post in the woods with cute little creatures and cold cold weather while I can be a lazy bum all day long and just relax. By myself. Being with someone all the time makes you not appreciate them when they are around I think. Shoot, it probably makes you just sick of em. When he comes home he is excited to see me and tell me about his day. I'm excited to see him and tell him about my day.

This is called marital bliss my friends. Marital Bliss.

So while I wait patiently on my manly man to re-appear from the woods, covered in camo, and wielding a big gun I will do what I love best and read my books and cuddle with Meeko and take my babies for long rides in the car.

Everyone needs a Sunday like this.

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