Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2 of Captivity

Well, we aren't really captive.
But it is fun to pretend.
We woke up this morning (late) and said hurray! No work today! Because outside it looks like this...
our 2 lane road is now a 1 lane road!

and of course when it is snowy in Alabama we all kind of stand around and go,
"Huh? What is this stuff that is slippery and cold? I must buy all of the bread and all of the milk from the grocery stores!"
But really. Unfortunately for Brian and I we were hungry for biscuits and gravy. Yum.
I run to the fridge and open it up. What do I see?
and I know we have Bisquick.
what is missing? oh yes, the milk.
So, this is why people buy all the milk. Snow makes you want biscuits and gravy!!! I get it now!
We look at each other and we know. We must get milk.
In true Alabama fashion we leave our sweatpants on and bundle up the rest of ourselves in something camouflage and grab the truck keys off the hook. We venture out onto the snow filled roads on our Great Quest for Milk. (We could have had oatmeal, but that's not nearly as exciting)
We encountered many treacherous obstacles. Huge icy snow balls from the plows blocked our way. But we had no fear! The Adventure-mobile ran over these enemies with great big tires and smashed them without a second thought. (also, the Adventure-mobile needs a better name)

Mini-Snickers fueled our Great Quest for Milk. They are delicious in the morning. Like a pre-breakfast snack.
I had 4. I only gave hubby 1. mwahah
After traveling many miles through valleys and wrong turns and icy curves we arrive at our destination.
Warehouse Discount Grocery.
We drag our Quest weary selves through the aisles to our goal. MILK.
And there is is. Chilling in it's case. We triumphantly grab a jug and high five. ( well, we thought about it anyway)

And, strangely, even though we were great adventurers and will probably eventually become famous for our bravery, we still had to wait in line and pay, like commoners.

This story is getting a little ridiculous I think. 

The doors opened at our command and into the chilling wind we strode, smiling at the thought of warm biscuits and gallons of gravy.
that's the "i got milk" smile
We were greeted like King and Queen upon our arrival back at Castle McCormick by our humble servants (2 dogs and a cat). They had the day off apparently and so we whipped up some biscuits and gravy quick like.

The Great Captivity Feast occurred soon afterward and we cleaned our plates and licked our lips, triumphant Questers!!


Also, this is cute...
from day one of captivity. Nap time.
I mean, what else are you supposed to do when it snows?

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